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Professional Practice

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Board 2.jpg

Bulletin Board

An interactive bulletin board where students can match facts and images to a corresponding artist.  Each artist's portrait is surrounded by velcro strips so that the laminated panels can be moved between artists.

Order Form Example

An example of a supply spreadsheet for ordering materials for a high school metals and jewelry course.  

Plaster Safety Video

An instructional video detailing the safety concerns of plaster and the steps to produce and dispose of the material.

First Day Presentation

A slideshow intended for use during a first-day introductory presentation.

Substitute Plan Example

An example of a reference for substitute teachers including a full one-day impromptu lesson plan.

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Classroom Rules

A clear and organized reference for my classroom rules detailing proper treatment of materials, time, and peers.

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Guided Lesson Poster

A visual reference to guide students through the creation process for a print-making lesson.

6th Grade Curriculum Map

A curriculum map for a middle school course that focusses on visual culture.

High School Curriculum Map

A curriculum map that guides a high schooler through the basics of aesthetics for the purposes of an Art 101 course.

I Teach Art

An analysis of why I teach art, and how I plan to implement a variety of theories and strategies.

Philosophy of Education

A summary of my personal philosophy in regards to art in education.

Stages of Artistic Development

A presentation on the stages of artistic development with examples and explanations.

Art Instructional Posters

Posters intented to portray the values, concepts, and goals of art education.

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